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Sunday, June 30, 2013

It's no secret that smoking is harmful to the body. Whether you live a long life as a smoker or whether, like most people, smoking cuts your life short, it is a harmful addiction, period. This article is going to explain some of the many reasons why you should consider quitting smoking, so, keep reading to learn more about smoking along with some excellent reasons to quit.

Many people are familiar with the damage smoking does to the lungs, but did you know that smoking causes heart disease? Smoking-related deaths are high on the list causes of death worldwide and smoking related heart disease accounts for a huge part of this. Make sure you consider the fact that your smoking is affecting your whole body, especially your heart!

Smoking not only causes lung cancer, but it causes other respiratory problems as well. Smokers have problems breathing, and smoking causes COPD as well as many other lung diseases too. While smoking affects everyone differently, there is no doubt that it limits your breathing capacity, no matter what. Smoking definitely causes shortness of breath, and it makes exercise and physical activity more demanding. You might get to the point at which you just don't have the lung capacity for many activities and exercises. Think about the things you won't be able to do if you continue smoking such as running, playing basketball, soccer or even just walking up a few flights of stairs.

Of course you know that skin ages as you get older. The sun is a major cause of skin damage, but did you know how badly smoking affects your skin as well? Smoking causes your skin to stay dry and dehydrated and, whats more, it causes your skin to wrinkle too. Additionally, it can change the color and pigment of your skin and, essentially, it makes your skin look dry and old and dead. This is also affected by  problems with circulation and a lack of oxygen to your skin caused by continued smoking.

Remember that smoking definitely impacts the people who are around you as well. Secondhand smoke is extremely harmful, and it affects the people who breathe your smoke. They can develop the same diseases you do, from just repeatedly breathing in your secondhand smoke. Its a very selfish habit in more than one way!

When you smoke, at least tell your kids not to smoke, for you are telling them to do what you say and not what you do. But, remember that this is an extremely ineffective way to teach and parent your children. It's better to show them the right thing to do and not just tell them. No one is perfect, but just remember the example you're setting.

Smoking wastes so much time, especially if you're a heavy smoker. After a meal, you go to smoke a cigarette, and everyone else is on with their business. On your break at work, you're smoking a cigarette. People argue that it doesn't waste time just switches out activities, but if you're honest with yourself, you have to admit that it wastes time.

Not only does smoking take time off of your life, but it wastes the time you're left with as well. Think about what has been presented to you here today, and consider a plan to stop smoking. Hopefully this article has given you some irresistible reasons to quit smoking today.


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